Celebrating the Southwest — Photo Essay
March 2020
Mesa Verde with Sun Rays – Mancos, Colorado
View of the mesa front with light snowy blanket, looking south.
Owl Cloud over Horses
Mancos Valley, Colorado
Toh-Atin Gallery, Native American Pictorial Weaving
Durango, Colorado
Old West Pressed Tin Ceiling – Animas Chocolates
Durango, Colorado
Southwest Antique Store – Garden Sculptures
Cortez, Colorado
Orange Sunset Through The Ponderosa Pines in Snow
Mancos, Colorado
Pup at Drive-thru for Treats (he knows!)
Cortez, Colorado
Snowy Mesa Verde Profile with Big Sky Clouds
Mancos, Colorado
Geese on a Pond
Mancos Valley, Colorado
What We’re Re-reading
This could be a 4th or 5th reading of this book, and something new is learned each time. Craig Childs is a master story teller and the ultimate Southwest outdoor explorer. In this book he takes you on a journey through the American Southwest as he follows ancient paths tracking a Native American civilization from over 800+ years ago.
Childs has also written a helpful article for High Country News about enjoying the outdoors during these recent strange times of 2020. Here is a link to: Craig’s article.
What We’re Trying
We’ve just purchased epazote (pronounced eh-pah-ZOH-teh) from our local carniceria and are looking for recipes to try. Ours is the dried version of this aromatic herb and if you have tips or a suggested preparation please leave your comment below. Thank you!
Wishing you Favorite Moments and Happy Discoveries!
Amy and Mr.D
Roswell garden sculptures
Anne, perhaps they were beamed in from Roswell. We’ve heard some grand stories here in the SW! 🙂
Looking forward to more favorite photos April edition. Springtime will be blooming with photo opportunities.
Doc, we are now getting blooms in the high desert. So beautiful!
Beautiful March moments! Love these!
Hi Jo, we have a nice collection of April images coming together, so stay tuned!
Glad you’re safe and home staying strong.
Shannon & Drew, sending thoughts of calm, strength and health to you both. xo
I love your black and white images. The details are fascinating!
Casandra, isn’t it interesting how certain details appear when color is removed? Thanks so much!
I’m sure you are itching to get back on the road, and I’m happy to hear you are safe and sound at home for the time being. Looking forward to more glorious sunsets and black & white favorite photos. Doggo in the drive thru is wonderful. ❤️
Hi Hungry, if only we could all have even half of the intense excitement of that doggo in the drive thru!