I was recently invited to guest blog for the Durango Area Tourism Office. Such an honor to contribute to this organization that gets the word out on everything happening in and around town. To be more a part of my community. So, just as I got off the phone with them with a “Yay! This is fantastic, how fun!” my mind immediately went to “Geez louise, what am I going to feature?”
Because Durango is a destination town with no off-season, there’s something to do morning noon and night every day of every week … one of the reasons we chose this as our forever home. So what to write about? What photo essay? What tour, sights, events? And then I met Mr.D for a burger after work and was reminded that this is a’ burger town’ where virtually every restaurant has their own house specialty.
I started asking around, talked about longstanding favorites, factored in my go-tos, and some new to the foodie scene. The list was long, as expected. Impossible to cover them all. So I’ve narrowed it to a Magnificent 7. (It’s a wild west theme.)
If you have a love for one or more burgers featured, please share your experience in the comments section of the article. Let us know your favorites. What might be your No.8 on the list? … help the readers and visitors to our tourism blog know of our multitudinous burger options.
It’s a journey of Durango through burgers, here’s the link!