I’m taking a break right now……well……sort of. When I woke up Christmas morning and saw the first snow of the season, pulled on my boots and coat….my camera immediately leapt into my hands and off we went to walk the railroad tracks along the Animas River.
It’s snowing right now this New Year’s Day and I can hear my camera tapping impatiently…..itching to capture more snow scenes.
Are you making a resolution for 2015? One of mine is: Do Something Great This Year!
I’ll be looking for exactly what that may be as I plan a journey through western New Mexico, southern Arizona, traveling up through Sedona, into the Canyonlands of Utah, then back through Southwestern Colorado. Sometime this spring. So if you have suggestions about where to find special cafes, travel sights and art hubs along the way, I’d love to hear them.
Another life simplification resolution is to stop kidding myself that I’ll recognize the baggies and containers of leftovers I put in the freezer. I always think I’ll remember but wind up guessing “Hmmmm…that could be pulled pork with green chile…..or…….is that chicken salad?” I now have proper labels and markers right on the counter in plain sight.
This one is more of a reminder inspired by my holistic doctor, MakesMeDrinkGunk, who has a favorite quote: “Fall down seven times, stand up eight.” Meaning to be kind to yourself….be open and okay with mistakes. When I make mistakes it likely means that I’m trying new things and pushing myself….and that’s good. If things don’t go completely as planned, this reminds me to get up and keep moving forward, mindfully. Learning as I go.
Mr.D put this heart in the tree branch for me. *** xoxo***
Wishing you a very Happy New Year!……and remember……
The New Year is everyone’s birthday!